Haitech Photovoltaic Electronics Classroom Blooms on the Land of Africa


Education informatization is currently the development trend of the education industry. Multimedia teaching and interactive teaching can stimulate students' interest in learning, improve classroom efficiency, and help students improve their learning outcomes. At present, various countries and regions are vigorously developing information technology education projects, and even upgrading education as a national strategy. However, when the Haitech team conducted research in Africa, they found that there are still many students from different regions who are still using outdated learning tools, and even lack stable electricity and infrastructure for teaching. The distribution of teaching resources is also very uneven.

In response to this demand, Qingdao Haitech Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Haitech) has launched a "Photovoltaic Electronic Classroom Plan". This solution integrates infrastructure systems, photovoltaic power generation systems, interactive teaching systems, security and anti-theft systems, etc., providing our customers with a one-stop, customized solution that meets the infrastructure needs of students in classrooms, desks and chairs, as well as the power supply needs of electronic classrooms, hardware and software requirements for interactive teaching, and anti-theft needs of teaching equipment. At the same time, the plan uses modular design and on-demand customization, so that the materials can be installed and debugged within 5 days after being delivered to the project site. Regardless of the current teaching conditions of the client, they can quickly upgrade their information-based teaching.

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△(External rendering of electronic classroom)


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△(Interior rendering of electronic classroom)


Education is the fundamental plan, and China has always adhered to the concept of sincerity, sincerity, and sincerity, and has carried out effective educational cooperation with African countries.

Haitech actively responds to the call of the country, utilizing Africa's abundant solar energy resources through various means such as assisting in the construction of educational infrastructure and building photovoltaic electronic classrooms, to solve the problems of insufficient infrastructure and uneven distribution of teaching resources in remote areas.

Nowadays, the world attaches great importance to information technology education and improves the local level of information technology education. The output of Haitech's green and low-carbon electronic classroom solutions in overseas countries reflects Haitech's sustained support for enhancing Africa's green modernization education capabilities. Under the guidance of China's "the Belt and Road" policy, in the future, Haitech will further play the competitive advantage of customized programs, achieve rapid replication of cross regional and cross national models, provide better information technology education resources, enable students to enjoy the achievements of modern information education, comprehensively improve the level of information education in African countries, and let the long-standing China Africa relations blossom new fruitful results. Its green and low-carbon products have contributed to global green development and education improvement, and have also greatly enhanced China's national image and the image created by China.

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△(On site of the ribbon cutting ceremony for the handover of the electronic classroom)

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