Haitech successfully completed the construction of the Photovoltaic Electronics Classroom at the Confucius Institute of N'Djamena University in Chad


On December 10, 2021, the handover ceremony of the photovoltaic electronic classroom donated by the Chinese Embassy in Chad to the University of N'Djamena was grandly held at the Confucius Institute of N'Djamena University. More than 50 people attended, including Feng Guomin, General Manager of Haier Group Electrical Industry Co., Ltd., Mr. Li Jinjin, Ambassador of China to Chad, Mr. Zhu Enbei, Ambassador of Chad to China, Vice President Benjamin of N'Djamena University, Wang Xiuyin of Confucius Institute, and representatives of teachers and students from N'Djamena University.

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△(Ambassador to Chad Li Jinjin and Vice President Benjamin of the University of Chad)


At the handover ceremony, Ambassador to Chad Li Jinjin and Vice President of N'Djamena University Benjamin delivered speeches respectively, expressing warm congratulations on the completion of the electronic classroom project. They highly praised and fully recognized the professionalism demonstrated by the Haitech team in undertaking the project.

Ambassador Li expressed sincere gratitude to all representatives who have put in their efforts and sweat to facilitate the timely implementation of this important project in his speech. Ambassador Li stated that education is the fundamental solution, and China has always adhered to the concept of sincerity, sincerity, and sincerity, and has carried out effective educational cooperation with African countries. In recent years, the pragmatic cooperation between China and Chad in the field of education has yielded fruitful results, truly benefiting the local people. The photovoltaic electronic classroom donated by the embassy today will inject new impetus into the flourishing education cooperation between the two countries.   The Chinese Embassy in Chad will continue to implement the "the Belt and Road" policy and continue to contribute to the economic cooperation between China and Chad. Ambassador Li encouraged college students to seize the precious historical opportunity of deepening China Africa cooperation, strive to learn Chinese well, gain a deeper understanding of China, and participate in the wave of China Africa cooperation, contributing to the construction of a community with a shared future for China and Africa in the new era.

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△(Ambassador Li accepted the interview and delivered a speech


Vice President Benjamin recalled with deep affection the close cooperation between the Chinese Embassy and the University of N'Djamena over the years. He expressed gratitude to the Embassy for providing selfless assistance to the school in improving its educational level and promoting Chinese language teaching. He pointed out that the donated photovoltaic electronic classrooms provided by the Embassy will improve the quality of Chinese language teaching, provide high-quality information technology education resources, and provide necessary conditions for understanding modern information technology. The school will make good use of this classroom, To do a good job in strengthening Chinese language education and provide more available talents for the cooperation between Zha and China.

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△(Speech by Vice President Benjamin)


Nowadays, the world attaches great importance to information technology education and improves the local level of information technology education. The completion of this project is a model of cultural exchange and friendly cooperation between China and Africa, and also reflects Haier's sustained assistance in enhancing Africa's green modernization education capabilities. Under the guidance of China's "the Belt and Road" policy, Haitech will further give play to the competitive advantages of customized programs in the future, achieve rapid replication of models across regions and countries, provide better information technology education resources, enable students to enjoy the achievements of modern information education, comprehensively improve the level of information education in Chad, and let the long-standing China Africa relations bloom with new fruitful results.

At the end of the ceremony, representatives from both sides jointly cut the ribbon for the photovoltaic electronics classroom.

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△(On site of the handover ribbon cutting ceremony)

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